McCall's Fashion Accessories P219 / M4402
UNCUT Sewing Pattern
Handbags and Totes Sewing Pattern; Package includes patterns and instructions to make lined bags. Bag A, B: 14” x 9½”. Bag C, D: 15” x 8½”. Bag E: 18” x 12”. Bag F: 17” x 11”. Bag G: 13½” x 15½”. All measurements are at maximum width and maximum usable height, excluding handles or straps. A thru E: contrast lining and pocket. A, B, C, D, G: purchased handles. E: purchased wooden beads. F: two contrast panels, each 15” x 10”. Optional: each bag can be beaded over design of fabric.
Suggested Fabrics: Bag A thru G; Home Decorator Fabrics, Denim, Lightweight Canvas; Fusible Interfacing A thru G - Hair Canvas.